Can I Learn Driving a Car

Can I Learn Driving a Car

In old times there used to be less cars on the roads. Cars used to be considered as luxury. Only rich people had the ability and enough money to buy a car. Most people used to ride a bicycle or walk which was healthy.

But in today's modern era, driving has become necessity rather than luxury. People needs car to get to work, for shopping and take vulnerable people to hospital. 

Also if you need to see friends and family who live far especially if have a big family. Going on public transport like buses or trains can be time consuming and can cost you more.

Who Can Learn Drive

I spoke and get opinion from different driving instructors who instruct and give driving instruction all day. They meet with different kind of people and learners everyday. I believe they are the source to speak to about who can drive. 

Different instructors had different opinions. One thing was common in all these opinions and that was "anyone can learn driving." 

Only thing, it takes learners more or less time to learn to drive. It depends how fast someone pick up. Good learner can learn quicker with less lessons and time.

Slow learner will need more practice and lessons to learn to drive safely.

Driving is a skill for life and help people in different ways. Lots of people rely and live on driving for example doing taxi, delivering items etc. People earn reasonable income from this job.

Who You can Learn With

There are various options available for learner drivers to learn to drive. 
  • They can learn driving with friends, family and other relatives. 
  • Or they can learn with professional driving schools 

Learning with Friends, Family and other Relatives

This option have some pros and cons. When you learn with family members, you can save up some money on the lessons. Danger is that learner can crash car as there won't be any dual controls in the car. Also learner may pick up bad habits which can make it harder to pass the car driving test.

Learning with Driving Schools

The biggest advantage of learning with professional driving schools is, you will learn quicker in less time. Learners will learn in an appropriate way which will help them to pass their test 1st time. Professional driving schools are normally registered with relevant authorities and will have qualified driving instructors. They exactly know what to teach and how to teach.

We conclude that everyone has the ability to learn to drive but it can take either less or more time. Remember the golden rule "the more you practice the quicker you learn to drive."

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