Motorists and Vulnerable People

Motorists and Vulnerable People

When it comes to sharing with other people, walkers, cyclists, and motorcyclists are the main vulnerable. They are usually less visible because they are not as big as cars and other vehicles. They can be a lot harder to see for night drivers.

Even motorists who drive defensively can be surprised by the presence of this suddenly vulnerable road users.

The possibility of death or injury is dangerous for those on two wheels is higher than the road users to drive a vehicle. LGV and heavy goods vehicles - HGV is a common threat for the vulnerable road users.

According to seek, in 2018, 6% of pedal bikes, 26% of pedestrians, and 20% of road fatalities accounted for motorbikers.

aDriving will discuss some of the most amazing tips motorists can be used to prevent a fatal collision with pedal cyclists, walkers, and bikers.

Nice weather

A number of these vulnerable users face dangerous road traffic accidents in the summer season. People plan to walk and ride when the weather is nice for walking or riding. The bright and shining sun may blind drivers or riders for a few seconds and accidents can happen at that moment.

Motorists should be more vigilant in driving conditions that are so amazing and don't forget riders and pedestrians while driving.

There may be more hazards in the summer season in areas with winter weather. The small and big potholes are one of them. The driver can hurt and cause damage to the pedal and motorbikers. the driver can contribute and warn motorists of the hole by turning around the hole.

If the driver who brings something binding or sticking out of the vehicle, make sure the item is securely fastened. Each item that falls from the vehicle can result in serious injury to the rider.

Extra Space for Riders

In a number of situations, it can be difficult for drivers to anticipate and judge the speed of riders. Because of this, cars and big vehicles must leave the room more than normal when overtaking vulnerable.

Drivers may also consider assistance from passengers in the vehicle. They sometimes can spot the vulnerable earlier than the person who is driving.


It's not safe and consequences can be fatal when driving too close behind the riders. Motorists should remember that following the riders is different than following the vehicles

Vulnerable can break from nowhere or may turn to the right from dark at intersections and roundabouts. Following riders closely can lead to death or serious injury to the vulnerable people.

In addition, a number of dangers on the roads do not cause many problems for drivers but could be hazardous for the riders. For instance, potholes on the road, big puddles, and uneven road surfaces, etc. A vulnerable rider may have to swerve surprisingly to get rid of unseen danger.

Look Vulnerable at the Crossroads

Driving on the same road, intersections, and roundabouts can make a driver a little bit lazy. They may regard vulnerable road users when leaving or joining the junction.

Drivers should allow more time to the vulnerable people by staying well behind at the roundabouts and junctions. Loud music or talking with other passengers in the car can also cause interference and drivers can easily misjudge riders and pedestrians.

Do Refresher Driving Lessons

A refresher course can improve driver skills and the ability to deal with emergency situations. The driver can reduce the risk of serious road accidents involving pedestrians and motorists to take some refreshment and a defensive driving course.

We hope this post will help motorists to be a safe and defensive driver. Click our previous post on reasons for road crashes.

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